by AlterBit



Canine Registry Emilia Romagna Region: (only for accredited veterinarians with a login)-------------------------------------Recommended installations for full use of the app1) Xodo PDF Reader & annotator(go to google play and search for Xodo or go to this link: xodo and grant any permissions)version 2.4 (31/01/2015)version 2.3 (29/01/2015)version 2.2 (27/01/2015)version 2.1 (22/01/2015)- all operational functions are implementedversion 2.0 (19/01/2015)- possibility to modify dog ​​tab (all fields)- possibility to insert new dog / manual acquisition (declaring the data of the previous owner)- from owner card it is possible to send text messages to a number entered with the data of the owner himself- in the filter in the dogs list you can enter "Properties" or "Sold" to filter the dogs owned or those sold- greater speed in obtaining information, especially on owners with many dogsversion 1.9 (12/29/2014)- enter all information on past and future owners(in general, if a text is underlined, it is plugged and from there you can access the related info)